You are : a motorbike manufacturer, equipment supplier, importer, dealer of any brand or member of an independent network
MOTObyCAT can provide you with a full range of services on a daily basis.
From collection to delivery at the location requested, MOTObyCAT offers a range of logistics services, including :
- Deliveries adapted to your requirements: in boxes, on secure racks or bare
- Distribution
- Inter-dealership exchanges
We also offer bespoke solutions to satisfy specific requirements :
- Trade fairs (regional, national and European)
- Competitions
- Launch events, press days, etc.
For any specific requests, please contact us on +33 800 87 24 40 or by email at
You will be paid for each motorbike that is dropped off or picked up at your dealership.
Our CAT trucks come and go on a daily basis, so motorbikes belonging to individuals will be with you for no longer than 24 hours. To find out more, please contactcustomer services.